
The ACS 2016-2107 theme verse for spiritual development in Romans 12:10 can be summarized in four words — “Tell me somethin’ good.”  That’s how Upper School Principal Susan Smith described it at the first middle school/high school chapel of the year last Friday.  Students, as well as faculty and staff, are being challenged to show God’s love to each other at every opportunity — in the lunch room, in the classroom, in the school office, on the athletic field, and elsewhere.   “This verse is what we must aspire to be,” said Chief School Administrator Karen Oblen. “We want to be looking for the good in each other — whether we are a teacher, an administrator, or a student.”

The words of the theme verse can be found all around campus — on posters and bulletin boards in the school hallways and even on the backs of new ACS staff T-shirts. A large bulletin board in a second floor school hallway has been designated as a place to post messages that say something good about a fellow student or teacher.  To start off, teachers will be posting messages on the board during the month of September. In October, students will join the effort. New messages will be posted each month.