We were thrilled to once again gather as a school family this week to celebrate and honor our grandparents for the important role they play in our students’ lives.  It is more than fitting that we hold this special day during the Thanksgiving season, giving our students the opportunity to joyfully perform songs, recite Bible verses, and create hand-made gifts to say thank-you to their grandparents. We are truly thankful for the way our grandparents model integrity, commitment, faith, and most of all, unconditional love to our students. 
As we gather next week to celebrate Thanksgiving, let us thank God for the blessing of the bonds of family and the positive impact that every parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, and extended family member has on the lives of our students. We pray that these relationships will grow stronger as together we seek to bring glory and honor to God with our lives.
Wishing you and your family a happy Thanksgiving,
Karen M. Oblen, M.Ed.
Chief School Administrator