Next Tuesday, September 24, is our Middle School and High School Back-to-School Night. We hope to see all of our parents who have students in grades 6-12 come out for this very informative inter-active event that will begin at 6:30 pm in the school’s gymnasium and will end at 8 pm.
The evening will begin with a general assembly where important information will be presented about upcoming school events, athletics, clubs, after-school enrichment classes, fundraising and volunteer opportunities, and more. Parents will then get to walk in their student’s shoes – following his/her class schedule, visiting different classrooms, meeting the teachers, and hearing a synopsis of the class goals.

We had a great turnout of close to 200 parents on Thursday who filled the gym bleachers for our Elementary Back-to-School Night. The evening gave parents a chance to get better acquainted with our teachers and to learn more about the specific educational goals at each grade level from kindergarten to the 5th grade. The evening began in the gym with an overview of school events and programs from Elementary Principal Gail Alford and other school staff. Parents then made their way to the classrooms to meet the teachers. Parents enjoyed sitting at their child’s desk and had a chance to see artwork and other classroom work on display inside and outside the classrooms.
Representatives of the new mobile app Xspero, the Parent Teacher Fellowship, and the Cub Scout Pack 389 were in the school lobby to meet with parents and answer questions about their programs.

CLICK HERE to see a photo gallery of the Elementary Back-to-School Night on our ACS website.