Our second Legacy Gala Committee Meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 24 at 3:15 p.m. in the school library. We need your help with contacting area businesses to be Gala sponsors, advertisers, and Silent Auction donors. We also need volunteers to spread the news about the Gala to our local churches by distributing Gala flyers and posters. And we need volunteers to help the day of the Gala with auction set-up, greeting, and much more. The bigger our Gala team, the more people we can reach about supporting this exciting event for our region.

If you can attend the Gala Committee Meeting, or would like to be involved but cannot attend the meeting, please email PJ Santos, Assistant Director of Development and Communication, at psantos@acseht.org or call 609-653-1199 ext. 302. This is a great opportunity to tell people about the positive impact that Atlantic Christian is having in the lives of our children and to ask them to support our school.