At ACS, we desire to partner with you in educating your children. For children to grow into all that God intends for them to be, they need deep roots — roots that are grounded in the soil of self confidence, strong values, and faith. Each school day, we partner with you to encourage your children’s growth with hope, kindness, and love. We nourish them with the nutrients of knowledge, character, dedication, and God’s Word. It is our prayer that your will children bloom and grow, exhibiting creativity, curiosity, intelligence, citizenship, leadership, and most importantly, a strong relationship with the Lord that bears the fruits of the Spirit.
Kindergarten-5th Grade
In Kindergarten to the 5th Grade, our accredited academic program incorporates language arts, math, science, social studies, and penmanship as integral parts of the curriculum. Every aspect of the curriculum is presented in the light of God’s Word and in a Christ-centered environment that promotes the essential character traits of respect, honesty, and kindness. The timeless truths of the Bible are taught in daily Bible class, enhanced by Scripture memorization.
In addition, the following enrichment activities are offered to elementary students.
- Music and Band – Music instruction is provided weekly to all students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Students in 4th and 5th grade are taught to play an instrument in band. Students have the opportunity to share what they have learned with family members and friends at annual Christmas and Spring Concerts, as well as at special chapel assemblies for Grandparents Appreciation Day, Pastor Appreciation Day, and Veterans Appreciation Day
- Spanish – Introduction to foreign language is provided to foster a love for learning new languages
- Art – Weekly classes provide instruction in various mediums, from watercolors and pencil, to paper and clay
- Computer – Computer instruction is provided weekly in addition to use of the computer lab by classes for different subjects
- P.E. – Physical Education is provided twice a week. A progressive program introduces students to basic sports skills and loco-motor movement and advances to team play and cooperative games. Good sportsmanship is emphasized at every level. Students participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness program.
- Chapel – A weekly chapel service brings students together to worship through songs, skits, sermonettes, and special presentations by local pastors, missionaries, and other guest speakers. Chapel services are grouped by grade level.
Middle School (6th-8th Grades)
The middle school years — from the 6th to 8th grades — are a time of significant growth and change in every part of a student’s life — academic, social, spiritual, and physical.
Our accredited academic program offers language arts, math, social studies, and science as core curriculum subjects. In addition, students take a variety of required quarter-long courses, which including art, health personal finance, Spanish, and study skills. The learning experience in middle school is hands-on and interactive, especially in science classes where students participate in a variety of labs and projects.
Students also have the ability to work at the Honors level in a number of core subject areas and to choose various electives as they begin to explore and discover their God-given gifts and talents. Some of these electives can include band, choir, and worship team. Student artwork is displayed in an annual spring art show and the Atlantic County Teen Arts Festival and student compositions are entered into various national and local writing competitions.
A rigorous academic program challenges every middle school student to acquire good study skills and learn time management. A study skills course is a required part of the middle school program and helps equip students to become more independent and responsible for their academic success. Chromebooks are available for use in our middle school classrooms and teachers regularly integrate their use in a variety of subjects. Students are also required to take a targeted course on how to use technology to enhance their learning.
Course Selection
Each spring, a new Course Selection Guide is released for parents, students, and school administration to work together on selecting classes for the coming school year.
Biblical Integration
God’s truth is integrated into every subject as middle school students begin to learn how God’s Word applies to contemporary issues as well as their own lives. Our dedicated, Christian teachers serve as important role models who encourage our students to think Biblically as they begin to question everything that goes on in the world around them. Students are spiritually challenged in daily Bible classes, weekly chapel and COMPASS small groups, and at a fall Spiritual Emphasis Retreat.
Serving God by serving others is a key lesson that students learn by carrying out various service projects. Middle School students must complete 20 hours of service per year as part of their Bible grade, which includes serving in area churches and community organizations.
K-8 Extra-Curricular Opportunities
K-8 students can participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities, including after-school clubs, sports, and a 4th-5th Grade Worship Team. ACS students compete each February in a 1st-8th grade Spelling Bee, and the winner advances to represent ACS in the South Jersey Regional Spelling Bee. After-school, fee-based classes and clubs are offered in the fall, winter, and spring, including art, intramural basketball, intramural cheerleading, intro to sign language, gymnastics, karate, Chess Club, Garden Club, Lego Club, Robotics Club, Servant’s Heart Club, and Spelling Club.
Middle School students can begin developing their athletic abilities by joining a sports team that plays competitively in the Atlantic Cape Junior High League against other area public and private schools. Sports teams are offered in soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, and cheerleading.
K-8 Testing
ACS annually conducts a systematic program of standardized achievement testing of students at various grade levels. Students in the 1st to 8th grades are administered the NWEA MapGrowth Assessment tool (MAPS) three times a year. The results of the MAPS testing are provided to parents. The school administration reviews and analyzes the test data to identify strengths and weaknesses in the school’s academic program and to develop an action plan for change.
Enrichment Program
A weekly enrichment program is available for qualifying gifted students in 4th-5th grades. Students must be enrolled at ACS for a minimum of one year to qualify. Other qualifications include GPA and MAPS standardized assessment scores.
For more information about the Enrichment Program, please contact Elementary Principal Bethany Kiefer: