Atlantic Christian School participates in the federal Department of Immigration’s Student Exchange Visitor Program.  This approval allows a student with the appropriate visa to come to ACS for his or her elementary or secondary education.  This arrangement is mutually beneficial, allowing the international student to experience American culture and society, and allowing our student body to benefit from an integrated, multicultural experience.

ACS works with several international student programs including 3W International, Connect Education, Ivy International, New Oasis, and STS Education. Past international students have hailed from a variety of countries including Bulgaria, Belgium, China, Germany, Italy, Jamaica, South Korea, Sweden, and Vietnam.

Working together, we are able to provide support and service to our international students.  Once enrolled, ACS provides an active ELL (English Language Learners)  Program to students in grades 9-12. Students may also be involved in extra-curricular outings and activities organized by their  international student organization or the school.


Interested in being a host family to an exchange student?

All potential host families are required to complete and submit an application to the Admissions Office .  These applications are reviewed and an interview with the family is scheduled.  The application process includes submitting a photo of your family, your house, and a photo of the bedroom accommodations in which the exchange student will be staying.

Interested in becoming an international partner?

In addition to the organizations mentioned above, we have several other partnerships in development, as well as some international students who attend our school independently.  If you are interested in pursuing a relationship with Atlantic Christian School, please contact us via our admissions page.

Please contact our Admissions Director, Mrs. Jessica Martin, for more information:

609-653-1199, ext. 314 —