At Atlantic Christian School, we believe all students are perfectly and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God. This is the foundation on which we choose to include students with identified learning needs in our school community. While acknowledging that we cannot meet the needs of every student, our school does offer a variety of specialized programs and resources to assist students from K to the 12th grade with identified learning needs. These programs include: student testing, supplemental instruction, basic skills instruction, speech therapy, teacher’s aides, and a Resource Room.
Evaluation and Plans
Students seeking to enroll at ACS who have previously identified learning needs will be evaluated for admission based on the services ACS is able to provide. While an Individualized Educational Plan and a 504 Accommodation Plan are documents developed through our public education system, they are not legal documents when enrolling in a private school. While at ACS, students with identified learning needs will receive either an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) or a 504 Accommodation Plan. The ISP will outline the modifications and accommodations that can be made to help students succeed academically. Students with specific needs that do not have an ISP will be provided with a 504 Accommodation Plan with input from the student’s physician and/or educational specialist.
Monmouth Ocean Educational Services
ACS students in K to the 12th grade with identified learning needs are eligible to receive the following services through Monmouth Ocean Educational Services:
- Identification, evaluation, and eligibility determination
- Basic skills instruction in language arts and math, for those who qualify for services
- Compensatory Education — One 40-minute weekly session with a Special Education teacher
- In-Class Support — Paraprofessionals provide students with in-class support, at least one 40-minute period weekly
Resource Room
For students in grades 1-8, who have identified learning needs and an IEP, ACS also has a Resource Room staffed by a Special Education teacher who provides replacement classroom instruction in language arts and/or math. The Resource Room is available for an additional, per subject fee. ACS does not provide behavioral Resource Room services.
For more information about Special Services, please contact Upper School Principal Gail Alford: