Post Tagged with: "High School Band"

Instrument Donations Bless ACS Band Program

The ACS Band Program has been blessed with donations of fifteen instruments this fall.  A number of the newly-donated instruments were being played this week by 4th grade students in Elementary Band class as they were rehearsing for their upcoming performance at the “One Christmas Night” event on December 2.

“With continued growth in the school’s enrollment this year, more students are in band, creating a need for additional instruments,” said Tim Rosie, Director of Choral and Instrumental Music. “We’re very grateful for these donations that make it possible to put an instrument in the hands of every band student.” Rosie noted that all students in the 4th and 5th grades are in the Elementary Band, and that band class is also offered to students in middle school and high school.

Rosie said the donated instruments include — one drum set, two electronic keyboards, one snare kit, one tenor saxophone, three trumpets, two trombones, one viola, three violins, one xylophone, and six instrument cases.

“We are always in need of instruments, so please consider donating an instrument to ACS, whether it’s a gently used instrument or if you are considering buying a new instrument to donate,” Rosie said.

Ten of the instruments came from Musicopia, a nonprofit based in Philadelphia that receives donations of used instruments, refurbishes them, and then donates them to schools in the region. Thank you also to a number of individuals who donated instruments and instrument cases, including Evelyn Altier, Kelly Flynn, Jay Harris, Gretchen Murphy, and Chaz Wyckoff.


Instrument Donations Bless ACS Band Program

The ACS Band Program has a received the blessing of a number of instrument donations this fall in response to a recent appeal from Tim Rosie, Director of Choral and Instrumental Music. “We’re very grateful for these donations which have helped ensure that every band student has their own instrument and raised the quality of our band program,”  Rosie said.

ACS experienced significant growth in enrollment this fall, which resulted in more students taking band and the need for additional instruments.  “While all current instrument needs have been met, we can always use additional donations of wind and string instruments to expand the variety of instruments available to our students,” Rosie said. All students in the 4th and 5th grades take Band as their music class.  Band class is also offered to students in middle school and high school.

A number of the newly-donated instruments were being played this week by 4th grade students in Band Class as they were rehearsing for their upcoming performance at the “One Christmas Night” event on December 3.  One of the electronic keyboards is also located in a separate room where students can take private piano lessons after school.

Rosie said the donated instruments included two flutes, two French horns, one trombone, two electronic keyboards, and an acoustic guitar.  Thank you to everyone who has donated — including Carole Karabashian, Sandy O’Brien, Nikki Odell, Tim Rosie, Ryan and Liz Stamm, and Eric Tardif.