Valentine Grams On Sale February 4-12. Tell a fellow student, teacher, or staff member “I Love You Because…” with an ACS Valentine Gram on Valentine’s Day. Recipients of a Valentine Gram will receive your special message and some Hershey chocolate kisses. The Valentine Grams are $1 and the proceeds will go to the Freshman Class. Valentine Gram order forms will be sent home with elementary students and will be available in the school office, from freshman class students, and in Mrs. Johnson’s classroom, Room 210, starting on Monday, February 4. The deadline to return the forms to the school office is Tuesday, February 12.


The High School Valentine’s Dance is Saturday, February 9 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Tickets will be $8.00 per person in advance and $10 per person at the door. Advance tickets may be purchased from Mr. Carney or from a Junior Class member during lunch beginning Monday, February 4. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided at the dance.  Non-ACS guests may attend with an ACS student, but must have a permission slip signed and turned in no later than Thursday, February 7. Permission slips will be available in the school office.