Story time for elementary students in the school library in December featured the “Christmas Cookie Sprinkle Snitcher,” a whimsical tale about a fanciful flying creature named Snitcher who steals the colorful candy sprinkles used to decorate Christmas cookies, but in the end learns an important lesson — that Christmas is not about being greedy; Christmas is spreading sprinks to the needy.

The story was also brought to life on a festive bulletin board display in the hallway outside the library, which was decorated with paper ChristmasΒ  cookies made by the students and drawings of the Snitcher and other characters in the story, hand drawn and colored by 8th grader Aine Dorsey.

Library media specialist Rhapsody Hahn-Chaney said she chose to feature the engaging children’s story during story time because its message tied in well with the “The Giving Tree” all-school charity fundraiser being held during December. For the Giving Tree fundraiser, classrooms from kindergarten to 12th grade have chosen to raise funds to support a particular charity and decorated a Christmas tree in their classroom around the theme of their charity.

Elementary students visit the library weekly throughout the school year to check out and return books, learn library research skills, and to listen together as Mrs. Hahn-Chaney reads from an engaging children’s storybook.