Thank you to parents, students, and community supporters who helped ACS collect plastic bottle caps to build a buddy bench for our school playground. Student Council Advisor Dave Genter announced this week that the school collected 543.3 pounds of bottle caps, more than the 400 pounds needed to build one bench. “The Student Council was very happy to see the excitement and school spirit among the classes as they competed in two different contests to help us reach our goal,” Genter said. “We hope to see our new buddy bench built and placed in our school playground in the fall.”

During the month-long contest from April 29 to May 31, the 6th-12th grade classes competed to end with the fewest caps by weight in their class collection container (a large water jug). This was achieved by placing caps in other homeroom buckets. “There was a lot of strategy involved, especially in the final days of the contest,” said Mr. Dickson, whose 7th grade class (pictured top above) took first place in the Upper School contest, ending with 15.74 pounds of caps.

Mrs. Reilly’s kindergarten class (pictured top below) took first place in the separate elementary contest, where the goal was to collect the most caps by weight. Mrs. Reilly’s class collected 84.21 pounds of bottle caps. Both classes enjoyed a pizza party on Thursday, June 6 as the reward for their efforts.