Our kindergarten classes enjoyed a fun-filled day at Storybook Land on Thursday, October 17 and the following Monday celebrated Mother Goose Day — two favorite fall activities that helped our students learn all about the role of characters in nursery rhyme, fairy tale, or other story.
At Storybook Land, the students spent the day identifying characters from favorite stories, including Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, and Humpty Dumpty. They rode the nursery-rhyme themed rides, went on a hayride, and picked and decorated pumpkins. Thank you to kindergarten teachers Hayley Price and Julie Reilly, kindergarten aides George Getty and Ashley Vaccaro, and our parent chaperones for helping make great memories with our students.
On Mother Goose Day, the students dressed up like Little Miss Muffet, Little Bo Peep, Jack in the Beanstalk, Jack and Jill, and other favorite nursery rhyme or fairy-tale characters and paraded through the school hallways and visited elementary classrooms.
The parade concluded in the Multi-Purpose Room, where they enjoyed a festive party. The party menu featured healthy versions of food pulled right from the nursery rhymes, including Humpty Dumpty hard boiled eggs, Jack and the Beanstalk green beans, Peter Rabbit carrots, and Jack and Jill water to drink. Thank you to all the parents who helped provide the creative and nutritious treats.