ACS has launched a new, confidential reporting system, known as “Your Voice,” to enable students, parents, and faculty/staff to alert the administration of any incident of concern, such as intimidation, bullying, or cyber-harassment. Assemblies were held on January 6 to inform 2nd-12th grade students of the new system and to encourage them to make their voices heard to help ACS keep everyone safe.

Chief School Administrator Karen Oblen also sent an email to parents and guardians on January 6 advising them of the assemblies and providing information on the reporting system.  ACS Guidance Counselor Christina Ragland led the presentations in the assemblies and the Elementary and Upper School Principals also participated, explaining to the students how to use the new system.

The icon “Your Voice” is now on the ACS App to facilitate reporting an incident in a timely manner. A locked drop box has also been installed in the school’s main foyer for paper reporting.

“It is our prayer that this reporting system will help alert us to bullying or other situations of concern within our school so that these situations can be handled,” Oblen said in her January 6 email. “It is our hearts’ desire that every student would feel respected, safe, loved, and protected while at ACS.”

There are four ways to make a confidential incident report — by scanning a QR code with your phone, by using the Your Voice icon on the ACS App, going online to:, or submitting a paper form in the Incident Report Box in the school foyer.

CLICK HERE to access the online form to make a confidential incident report.