Post Tagged with: "100th Day of School"

Students, Staff Celebrate 100th Day of School

We’re 100 days smarter! Our preschool and elementary students celebrated the 100th day of school on February 10, dressing up to look like a 100-year-old person and participating in lots of creative math, writing, and physical activities involving the number 100. It was all about making learning fun.

There were messages on signs, banners, and bulletin boards celebrating the day and one sign asked — How have you honored God over the past 100 days?

There were also creative classroom activities in our preschool and elementary classes using the number 100, like coloring a 100 days picture, word search, counting 100 snacks, and making 100-day paper hats to wear.




Students, Staff Celebrate 100th Day of School

Time flies!  On Friday, February 7, Atlantic Christian School elementary grades K-3rd celebrated the 100th day of the school year by dressing up in “100-year-old” costumes complete with wigs, glasses, canes, walkers, and even a wheelchair!  It’s no secret that students and teachers alike count down the school days each year. We thank the Lord for our “young at heart” teachers who go all out for their students every day!

ACS Celebrates 100th Day of School on Feb. 12

We’re 100 days smarter! Our elementary students and their teachers celebrated the 100th day of school on Tuesday, February 12, dressing up to look like a 100-year-old person and participating in lots of creative math, writing, and physical activities involving the number 100. Students in Mrs. Fosbenner’s 3rd grade class had fun seeing how high they could count in 100 seconds and how many times they could write their name in 100 seconds. Miss Vogel’s 1st graders did a math speed drill to solve 100 subtraction problems. They also were asked to answer the question — “If I had $100, I would…” One student wrote: “I would buy a mansion and a limo.”  Another wrote: “I would give it to the poor because I like to help people.” Miss Williams’ 2nd graders created posters or decorated shirts that had 100 objects in them. In Mrs. Capito’s 1st grade class, students took 100 steps outside their classroom to see how far they would go, and almost made it to the school office. In kindergarten, there was lots of activities that incorporated counting to 100 — including counting their tasty snack items like cheerios and raisins.  It was all about making learning fun.