Post Tagged with: "ACRM"

Servant’s Heart Club Makes Sandwiches for Atlantic City Rescue Mission

Elementary students in our Servant’s Heart Club made some 50 peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches at its January meeting for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission to distribute to the homeless in our community.

The 2nd-5th grade students made the sandwiches during their monthly after-school meeting on January 7 and the sandwiches were delivered to the mission this week by Club Advisor and school parent Jennifer DiMaio. The students also colored Bible verses with an encouraging message on flyers that were attached to the sandwich bags.

Mrs. DiMaio said the club’s February project will be to create Valentine’s Day care packages for children in the Ronald McDonald House. Twenty-one students participate in the after-school club and additional students are welcome to join at any time.

Servant’s Heart Club Makes Valentine’s Care Packages for AC Rescue Mission

Elementary students in our Servant’s Heart Club created Valentine’s Day care packages this week for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission to distribute to the homeless in our community. The 2nd-5th grade students created the care packages during their monthly after-school meeting on February 5. The care packages included hand-made Valentine’s Day cards that shared the gospel message, a pair of warm socks, and a bag of candy. Club Advisor and school parent Jennifer DiMaio said the students eagerly participated in every step of the project.