Post Tagged with: "Angels in Motion"

Middle School Servant’s Heart Club Makes Snack Bags for Local Nonprofit Helping Those Struggling With Addiction

The Middle School Servant’s Heart Club packed 53 bags of snacks on May 25 to donate to Angels in Motion (AIM), a local nonprofit. The snack bags, called Blessing Bags by AIM, will be distributed to individuals in Atlantic City who are struggling with addiction.

The 19 students in the club, which has been meeting monthly on Thursdays during 8th period, have been working on this good will project for several months, according to club advisor Linda Stiteler. The project began with a bake sale in the winter that raised $300. These funds were then used to buy a variety of snacks for the Blessing Bags, Stiteler said.

The students also wrote and decorated encouraging messages on paper cards that were placed in the Blessing Bags along with an AIM list of resources that provide lifesaving treatment and services.

“This project has helped our students become more aware of people who are in need right here in our local community,” Stiteler said. “We are very happy to be able to help AIM and support the important work they are doing ministering to people suffering with the disease of addiction.”

According to their Facebook page, AIM distributes upwards of 100 Blessing Bags weekly “and the Blessing Bags always make people smile.” Some of the food items in the bags included Pop-tarts, applesauce, cookies, chips, Welch’s fruit snacks, and a water bottle.

The middle school club members who participated in packing the bags were: Lily Boyle, Malani Christmon, Natalia Flores, Mia Gaffney, Heather Milstead, Alayna O’Donoghue, Sophia Rose, Isabella Saad, and Kalee Tardif. Other members of the club are: Caelyn Domsic, Makenzie Fresh, Grace Lushina, Ja’Niyah Martin, Julia Morris, Solia Pecou, Nina Purdy, Chelsie Richards, Zy’Raina Rogers, and Haley Schnecker.

New Middle School Servant’s Heart Club Makes Sandwiches, Brownies to Bless Homeless Adults, Teens in Atlantic City

Serving others and showing the love of Jesus through acts of kindness is the motto of a new Middle School Servant’s Heart Club that this month has made some 50 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission, baked brownies for teens at the Covenant House in Atlantic City, and created hand-made cards for gift bags for Angels in Motion. The club is one of 12 middle school clubs that are now meeting weekly during 8th period, a new time slot created this year for middle school and high school clubs to meet.

Other middle school clubs include crafts, chess, STEM, Bible and basketball, and National Junior Honor Society. There are also some 12 high school clubs that meet on Thursdays, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Missions, Hispanic Heritage, Student Ambassadors, National Honor Society, and several Bible studies. All the clubs are led by ACS faculty and staff.

“We wanted to set aside time during the school day for our students to get involved in groups focused on ministry, leadership, and service by being part of one or more clubs,” said Upper School Principal Meg McHale. “We’re excited to see the impact that these clubs will be having within our school and in our community.”

Faculty member Linda Stiteler, who is the Middle School Servant’s Heart Club advisor, said she and the 12 students in her club have put together an ambitious list of service projects for this school year. Some of the upcoming projects include collecting scarves, gloves, and socks for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission, filling shoe boxes with children’s Christmas gifts for Samaritan’s Purse, and picking up trash at the Nature Reserve in Egg Harbor Township.

The members of the club are: Ashlee Alford, Annalena DiMaio, Natalia Flores, Mackenzie Flynn, Ava Lombardi, Ja’Niyah Martin, Josh Maxwell, Julia Morris, Nina Purdy, Chelsie Richards, Cyrus Seyf, and Haley Schnecker.