Post Tagged with: "Arrow of Light"

5th Graders Gabe Capito, Billy Winkel Earn Cub Scouting Arrow of Light Rank, Advance to ACS Boy Scout Troop 389

Congratulations to 5th graders Gabe Capito and Billy Winkel, who earned the Arrow of Light rank, the highest achievement in Cub Scouts, and advanced into the ACS Boy Scout Troop 389 during a crossover ceremony on February 22 in the ACS gym.

Cubmaster Carrie Jorgenson, an ACS parent and school nurse, was thrilled to be a part of the crossover ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of Billy and Gabe, who have been part of Cub Pack 389 for the past two and half years.

“Both Billy and Gabe worked very hard to achieve the Arrow of Light,” said Cubmaster Jorgenson. “They never missed a Cub Pack meeting or outing and they have gained a wide range of knowledge and skills with each of the badges they earned.” Jorgenson said some of the skills the boys have learned include: wood carving, foraging, how to build an outdoor shelter, how to build a campfire and cook over it, knife safety, water safety, first aid, and environmental science and conservation.

As proud family members and fellow scouts looked on, Scoutmaster and ACS parent Mike Jorgenson welcomed the boys into Boy Scout Troop 389, which has grown to 19 members. Several Boy Scouts also participated in the crossover ceremony, tying on a Boy Scout neckerchief onto Billy and Gabe.

The Boy Scout Troop 389 and Cub Pack 389, which are chartered by Atlantic Christian School, meet weekly on Mondays at ACS at 7 p.m.  For more information about the scouting program at ACS, contact Scoutmaster Mike Jorgenson for children ages 11 and older at 609-464-3957, and contact Cubmaster Carrie Jorgenson for children from K to the 5th grade at 609-289-1489.


ACS Cub Scout and 4th Grader Brandon Jorgenson Achieves Arrow of Light Award

ACS 4th grader Brandon Jorgenson was recently recognized for achieving  the Arrow of Light, the highest honor in Cub Scouts, at a cross-over ceremony on February 24 in the ACS Multi-Purpose Room. The cross-over ceremony is akin to a graduation, where Cub Scout Webelos transition to become Boy Scouts.

The ACS ceremony included walking over a wood bridge with planks named after the 12 principles of the Scout Law.  Brandon, pictured above second from left, participated in the ceremony,  along with three other Cub Scouts who attend other schools in the community. The Cub Scouts crossed over the bridge as members of ACS Cub Pack 389 and into the ACS Boy Scout Troop 389.

Brandon was warmly welcomed into the Troop by his older brother, Hunter, an ACS 9th grader. The Jorgenson family is actively involved in the scouting program at ACS. Mike Jorgenson is the Scoutmaster and Carrie Jorgenson is the Cubmaster.

The ACS Scouts — Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts — meet at Atlantic Christian School on Monday nights. The goal of scouting is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, personal fitness, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs. Cub Scouts is for boys from 1st -5th grades. Boy Scouts is for boys from 6th grade until 18 years old.