Post Tagged with: "Bowls of Hope Video Contest"

ACS Sponsoring Student Video Contest to Promote Bowls of Hope Soup Cook-Off, Submission Deadline is Thursday, Jan. 26

Students in the 6th-12th grades are being challenged to create an original video to promote the Bowls of Hope Soup Cook-Off and Canned Food Drive. The contest offers VISA gift card prizes for the top three entries and those winning videos will be posted on ACS social media the last week of January leading up to the February 4 Cook-Off.

Information about the contest was sent to parents, students, and staff in an email from Chief School Administrator Karen Oblen the week of January 9 and an information flyer with details was sent home with students and is posted below.

The video should not be more than 2 minutes long and must be submitted by Thursday, January 26. Videos will be rated on originality, creativity, and promotion of the Bowls of Hope and the Canned Food Drive.

Video entries should be uploaded to:


Student Video Contest to Promote Bowls of Hope Soup Cook-Off

Students in the 6th to 12th grades are being challenged to create an original video to promote the Bowls of Hope Soup Cook-Off. The contest offers VISA gift card prizes for the top three entries and the winning videos will be posted on ACS social media in January and early February and shown at the Bowls of Hope Soup Cook-Off on February 5.

Information about the contest was sent to parents, students, and staff in an email from Chief School Administrator Karen Oblen on January 13. An information flyer with details about the contest  is posted below.

The video should not be more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds long and must be submitted by Friday, January 29, 2022.

Video entries should be uploaded to:


ACS Announces Bowls of Hope Student Video Contest Winners

The top three winners of the 2nd annual Bowls of Hope Student Video Contest were recognized and awarded gift cards during Chapel on Wednesday, March 10. The students who submitted the winning entries are, from left — 12th grader Haoshen (Katherine) Kong, 1st place; 4th grader Gaebriel Hahn-Chaney, 3rd place and 6th grader Caedyn Hahn-Chaney, 2nd place.  The first place  video was shown to the students during chapel and will be posted on the ACS Facebook page in the coming weeks.

Sales of Super Soup Coupon Cards will end on March 31.  The proceeds of the Bowls of Hope will benefit ACS and Community FoodBank of NJ, Southern Branch. 

CLICK HERE to view the 1st place Bowls of Hope video by Katherine Kong and Leo Li.

CLICK HERE to view the 2nd place Bowls of Hope video by Caedyn Hahn- Chaney.

CLICK HERE to view the 3rd place Bowls of Hope video by Gaebriel Hahn-Chaney.

CLICK HERE to purchase a Bowls of Hope Super Soup Restaurant Coupon Card using our online order form.

ACS Sponsoring Student Video Contest to Promote Bowls of Hope Soup Fundraiser

Students from kindergarten to the 12th grade are being challenged to create an original video to promote the Bowls of Hope Soup Fundraiser. The contest offers VISA gift card prizes for the top three entries and those winning videos will be posted on ACS social media during the month of February.

Information about the contest was sent to parents, students, and staff in an email from Chief School Administrator Karen Oblen on January 28. An information flyer with details about the contest will also be sent home with students the week of February 1 and is posted below.

The video should not be more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds long and must be submitted by Friday, February 19.

Video entries should be uploaded to:


ACS Announces Bowls of Hope Student Video Contest Winners

The top three winners of the 1st annual Bowls of Hope Student Video Contest were recognized and awarded gift cards during our MS/HS Chapel on Friday, January 31. The students who submitted the winning entries are, from left — 11th grader Haoshen (Katherine) Kong, 2nd place; 12th grader Mark Rosie, 1st place; and 6th grader Paityn Kates, 3rd place.

The winners were introduced by Upper School Principal Meg McHale and their videos promoting the Bowls of Hope Soup Cook-Off were shown to the students, who applauded and cheered for each video and the students who created them.

To meet the video contest guidelines, each video encouraged people to attend the Cook-Off because it is an event focused on giving back to the community and helping those in need. The proceeds of the Bowls of Hope will go to ACS and the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. The videos also encouraged those who attend to bring canned goods or other non-perishables to donate to the Bowls of Hope Food Drive to benefit the Community FoodBank of NJ, Southern Branch.

The student videos are being posted on Atlantic Christian School’s social media sites on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and will also be shown during the Bowls of Hope on Saturday night.

CLICK HERE to view the 1st place Bowls of Hope video by Mark Rosie.

CLICK HERE to view the 2nd place Bowls of Hope video by Katherine Kong.

CLICK HERE to view the 3rd place Bowls of Hope video by Paityn Kates.