Post Tagged with: "Cooking Class"

Students Make Eye-Catching Strawberry Shortcakes in Middle School Cooking Class

Middle school students learned how to assemble and create eye-catching strawberry shortcakes during their November 6 cooking class with chef instructor Dan Carney. The students made whipping cream from scratch and then iced the shortcakes with the whipping cream. They also learned how to cut and slice fresh strawberries in a variety of shapes and used the strawberries and  fresh mint to decorate the cakes.  “This class is a great way for students to get excited about cooking and to learn how to prepare healthy food that can taste good and look good too,” said Mr. Carney, who is in his second year teaching both middle school and high school cooking classes.

4th Graders Sample Healthy Quinoa Salad in Live AtlantiCare Cooking Demo

Our 4th grade students were treated to a live cooking demo on Friday, October 5 by Chef Marci Lutsky of The Happy Heart Corner, who prepared a healthy quinoa salad featuring the fall harvest fruits of apples and pears.  Throughout the demo, Chef Marci interacted with the students, including having them use their math skills to help her measure the ingredients for the salad dressing. The demo was sponsored by the AtlantiCare Healthy Schools, Healthy Children program, of which ACS is a participating member school.

Mrs. Valerie Behrens of Impact Harvest also spoke to the students about “My Plate” and how fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are part of a healthy diet. The presentation was a good introduction for the students as they learned more about My Plate during science lessons in Mrs. Hoover’s and Mr. Tardif’s classes this week.

The students enjoyed sampling the salad and some even went back for seconds.  They were also excited to receive a special gift bag filled with fresh red and green bell peppers from Impact Harvest’s greenhouse in Buena.