The winter 2022 schedule of After-School Classes is finalized and there is something for everyone. To promote the benefits of health and exercise, there are basketball and gymnastics classes, and to develop creative and musical talents there are classes in art, band, and worship team. There is also a new Drama Club for 6th-12th graders that will meet on Thursdays starting February 2, with a showcase on April 21, and a new Group Vocal Lessons class for 3rd-8th graders.
The After-School program will continue to offer the Robotics Club for 3rd-6th graders and the year-long Servant’s Heart Club, led by ACS parent Jennifer DiMaio, where 2nd to 5th grade students will do hands-on projects to bless individuals and organizations in our community.
Faculty members and Varsity Basketball Team coaches Kaylee Breunig and Drew Carney are looking forward to leading Intramural Basketball sessions on six Saturdays for boys and girls in the 2nd-8th grades, starting on January 7, 2023. Registration for these intramurals is $75 per student, which includes a T-shirt, and can done online or by returning the registration flyer with payment that was sent home with students the week of December 19. CLICK HERE for the registration form.
Please check the schedule for the start dates and any class fees. The class schedule, class descriptions, and registration flyers were sent home with elementary students the week of December 19 and can also be downloaded from the ACS Website located under the “Programs” tab and on the ACS Family App using the “After School” icon.
CLICK HERE to see the winter schedule of after-school classes.