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Cairn University Rep Gives Insight Into College Life to 11th Graders in College and Careers Class

ACS 11th graders learned about the various academic, athletic, and extra-curricular programs offered at Cairn University, a Christian university in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, during an October 18 classroom presentation by Stephen Hogan, an Admissions Counselor at Cairn. The presentation was part of a series of visits from college representatives organized by Guidance Counselor Christina Ragland for the high school “College and Careers Class.”

Ragland said the class, which is required for all 11th graders, goes for the entire school year and focuses on college in the first semester and on careers in the second semester. “The goal of the first semester is to provide students with insight and strategies on how to navigate the college application process, introduce them to the various majors, and explore the similarities and differences among colleges and universities,” Ragland said.  Other college representatives on the presentation list this semester are from Lancaster Bible College, Palm Beach Atlantic University, and Stockton University.

During the second semester, students are introduced to a variety of careers and learn about resume building, the job interview process, and entrepreneurship strategies.

“Last year, our students had a Shark Tank-inspired competition where they worked in groups to create a new product or organization and their fellow classmates chose a first, second, and third place winner,” Ragland said. “The students really enjoyed the project and we plan to do that again in the spring.”