Post Tagged with: "Young Writers USA"

8th Grade Student Poems Selected for Publication in Young Writers USA Anthology

Original poems written by seven students in Mrs. Flath’s 8th Grade Writing Class were recently selected for publication in a Young Writers USA Anthology that will be released this summer.
During class in February, Mrs. Flath challenged her students to write a free verse or acrostic poem to submit to the contest entitled “Imagine,” sponsored by Young Writers USA.  Nine students entered their compositions in the contest, which ended on February 22.
Of the nine, seven students were selected for publication. “I’m really proud of every student that entered a poem in the contest and the excellent effort they put into their work,” said Mrs. Flath. “We are always focused on helping each student discover and develop their God-given gifts and abilities and these students definitely have a talent for writing.”
The winning students, holding their special recognition certificates from Young Writers, are (from left to right): Aine Dorsey, Taylor Sutton, Sophia Johnson, Taylor Murphy, Isabell Alford, Alex Deliivanov, and Charlie Costello.