
The ACS Legacy Gala is just 11 weeks away! We had a great turn-out at our Gala Committee Meeting this Thursday night. Parents, alumni parents, and grandparents are coming on board to help us contact area businesses to be Gala sponsors, advertisers, and silent auction donors. If you want to join the effort, mark your calendar to come out to our next meeting on Thursday, February 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the school library. Two additional meetings have also been scheduled for February 23 and March 9.

We have flyers and posters about the Gala and we need our school family to help spread the news in our churches and to local businesses. You can pick up the flyers and posters in the school office. Join the Gala team and let’s fill every seat in the ballroom at the Sheraton on March 31.

If you would like to be involved in some way, please email Event Coordinator Jessica Martin at or call 609-653-1199 ext. 314. This is a great opportunity to tell people about the positive impact that Atlantic Christian is having in the lives of our children and to ask them to support our school.

And don’t forget to purchase your tickets to the Gala and encourage your family and friends to attend as well. Individual tickets are $155 each and a table of 10 is $1,450. To purchase tickets, go to: To be a Gala sponsor or advertiser, obtain the reply form and details on the ACS website under the Events tab.