ACS has recently expanded its inclement weather school opening/closing policy to include a “Delayed School Opening” option when it appears school can be opened safely at a later time rather than being closed for an entire day. For clarification purposes, new wording was added this week to the policy as it relates to Early Education students and Before Care. The new wording is as follows: The Early Education Center will open at the same time as the rest of the K-12 school on a delayed opening day. In addition, no “Before Care” will be provided on a delayed opening day.
The entire inclement weather policy can be found on the school website on a page called “Inclement Weather Information” under the Parents’ tab and has also been added to the various school handbooks. CLICK HERE to read the policy.
Please note that two days on the ACS 2018-2019 school calendar have been designated as “Snow Make-Up Days” — Friday, February 15 and Friday, March 15. School is currently scheduled to be closed on those days, but if they are needed as “Snow Make-Up Days,” then school will be open.