Students in Mrs. Reilly’s kindergarten class learn how to make applesauce from scratch with guidance from volunteer and retired kindergarten aide, Mrs. Garner.

Our kindergarten classes celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day and Apple Day during the week of September 23 and had fun learning how to make applesauce from scratch. With guidance from volunteer and retired kindergarten aide, Mrs. Garner, the students cut up and mixed a variety of apples before stacking them in crock pots to cook.

They later had the opportunity to sample the tasty applesauce. The students also enjoyed other apple-themed activities. Students in Miss Price’s class painted apple trees, counted apples for a math activity, and made an apple book. Students in Mrs. Reilly’s class explored apples with all of their senses and graphed the results of a taste test. What a great way to kick off the fall season!