Are you interested in helping Atlantic Christian School raise $30,000 in order to continue to provide a quality education and affordable tuition?

Would you be willing to give a minimal amount of time to help our school raise needed funds?

Here are some facts about this year’s Race:

  • Our Race for Education is a jog-a-thon, which will involve our PreK3-12th grade students walking and/or jogging around the school track for 30 minutes.
  • Our Race for Education will be held on Friday, October 30, 2020.
  • A “Kick-Off” packet of information about our Race for Education will be sent home with each PreK3-12th grade student on Monday, September 21.
  • “Remote learners” are encouraged to participate in our Race for Education as well. We will be sending parents suggestions on how to make this fundraiser a good wellness activity (e.g., walking and/or jogging in your neighborhood or at a local park).
  • The success of our Race for Education is based on sharing your child’s personal fundraising webpage address with potential sponsors by EMAIL, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or by sending individuals a sponsor mailer.
  • Potential sponsors may be family members, relatives, close friends, and neighbors. Don’t forget to include relatives and friends that live out of town and may not normally be able to contribute to other school fundraising efforts. Our Race for Education makes it easy for them to participate as well!
  • There are incentives and prizes to help promote the success of our Race for Education, which encourage student & classroom participation (e.g., Snack Passes, Dress Down Day Cards, “Five Below” Gift Cards, Class Outings, Lap Winner Certificates).
  • Our Race for Education is great fun for our students, no hassle to parents, and will fully benefit our school’s educational program!