ACS faculty and staff threw a surprise party for Chief School Administrator Karen Oblen on December 2 to celebrate her 25th anniversary at Atlantic Christian School. In impromptu remarks, various teachers and administrators thanked Mrs. Oblen for her inspiring example as a woman of faith, an encourager and good listener, and a humble leader who has prayerfully sought God’s direction for the school.

Mrs. Oblen shared that she began her career in education at Atlantic Christian School in 1995. She left her job as a manager at Tilton Fitness Club to fill an opening for a part-time PE teacher. “I originally came to enroll my daughter, Kelly, in kindergarten, but I definitely felt God directing me to come to work at ACS and I have never looked back,” Mrs. Oblen said. “God has always provided and He has been so faithful to ACS. I am thankful to have been a part of this school for 25 years and I am thankful for all of you.” As special mementos, faculty and staff gave Mrs. Oblen hand-written cards sharing a favorite memory or an expression of appreciation for her friendship and leadership.

On behalf of the faculty and staff, Business Administrator Kelly Flynn presented Mrs. Oblen with a 25th anniversary commemorative plaque and a number of employees were given 25th anniversary T-shirts to wear that had a photo of Mrs. Oblen from her early years at ACS as a sixth grade teacher.  A celebration cake was inscribed with the message — “25 Years and Still Going Strong.”

Mrs. Oblen taught middle school and high school science from 2005 to 2009. After earning her Masters in 2008, Mrs. Oblen was appointed Curriculum Coordinator at ACS and chaired the school’s first Accreditation Steering Committee. From 2010-2012, she served as Upper School Principal and then K-12 Principal. She has served as the Chief School Administrator since 2012.

Thank you, Mrs. Oblen, for your faithful service to the Lord, Atlantic Christian School, and its students and staff.