Students in the ACS 8th grade Honors Writing class recently had the opportunity to compete in the Young Writers’ “SOS Sagas: Trapped” contest and the eight students who chose to enter the contest had their original stories selected for publication in the anthology that will be released later this year.

English teacher Tori Flath, who teaches the writing class, said the students were required to write a 100-word story for the contest around the theme of being “trapped,” either physically, mentally, or emotionally. The stories were submitted in mid-December.

The eight aspiring writers whose stories will appear in the anthology are, from left: Isabell Alford, Rebecca DiMaio, Ava Nixon, Aine Dorsey, Taylor Murphy, Alek Stein, Alex Deliivanov, and Charlie Costello.

Two prior ACS students have also had their works published by Young Writers — Matthew Dietrich, with a story in the “Stranger Sagas” flash fiction anthology, and Fiona Xiao, with a poem in the “Through Their Eyes” poetry anthology.