Congratulations to 12th grader Sydney Pearson for recently being selected as a recipient of the 2021 Press of Atlantic City Young Leaders Award. She is one of 25 seniors that were selected among nominees from high schools in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and southern Ocean counties for this special award that honors Southern New Jersey’s most community-minded seniors.

Sydney and the other award recipients were selected on the basis of their academic skills, diverse extracurricular activities, and service to their communities. Sydney is also receiving a small monetary scholarship.  She was interviewed by the Press for a full-page article on her that was part of a pull-out section published by The Press of Atlantic City on Thursday, June 10 and also posted on the newspaper’s website.

In the article, Sydney talks about how her faith inspires her to help others. “In the Bible, we are taught to be servants of Christ, and I believe that by following Jesus’ example, we’re able to do that for others,” Sydney said.

Sydney was the Valedictorian of the ACS Class of 2021, with a 4.28 GPA, was President of the Student Council, and team captain of the Varsity Girls’ soccer, basketball, and softball teams. During her high school career Sydney also participated in community service activities in her neighborhood, as well as serving communities in the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas as part of ACS missions trips. Sydney will be attending Stockton University in the fall, where she will major in nursing.

We’re proud of you, Sydney! Keep using your gifts as a leader to be a world-changer.

CLICK HERE to read the Young Leaders Press article on Sydney.