Atlantic Christian School is hosting a simulcast of the Promise Keepers Men’s Conference on July 16 and 17 at its Egg Harbor Township campus, in partnership with Friendship Bible Church.

The Promise Keepers Men’s Conference is being simulcast from the AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. Some of the 13 featured speakers and worship leaders at the two-day conference will include Nick Vujicic, founder of Life Without Limbs and best-selling author of “Life Without Limits”; Jonathan Evans, former NFL fullback and chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys and Dallas Mavericks; Carter Conlon, Pastor of Times Square Church and host of “It’s Time to Pray”; and Tauren Wells, Grammy nominated worship leader, singer, and songwriter.

The conference simulcast will be held on Friday, July 16 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. and Saturday, July 17 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The cost to attend the conference simulcast is $20 and the school campus is located at 391 Zion Road in Egg Harbor Township. Handicapped parking is available.

CLICK HERE to register to attend the conference simulcast.

“We are very pleased to host this conference to provide a place for men throughout southern New Jersey to gather and be inspired by the Word of God as they hear bold messages about how to be godly leaders in their homes, in their churches, and in their communities,” said Chief School Administrator Karen Oblen.

Friendship Bible Church Pastor John Quinn of Friendship Bible Church noted that the past year has been isolating for millions of men and that the brokenness in our culture has left many men confused about what godly manhood looks like.

“For any men who have been struggling with isolation, confusion, and a lost sense of purpose, this 2021 Men’s Conference will be a place of community, clarity, and restoration,” Pastor Quinn said. “We look forward to connecting with men from across our community to build relationships and brotherhood in Christ.”

According to Pastor Quinn, Promise Keepers challenges men to focus on seven promises: to honor Christ through worship, prayer, and obedience in the power of the Holy Spirit; to purse vital relationships with other men to strengthen the brothers as they seek to keep promises in their lives; to practice spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity; to build strong marriages and families through love, protection, and Biblical values; to serve others with integrity and pray for the leadership of their churches and our nation; to reach beyond racial and denominational barriers to build Biblical unity; and to reach the world with the Great Commission.