What does it mean to be “Deeply Rooted”? Students began exploring the answer to that question during the first Thursday chapels of the school year on September 9. Elementary Principal Gail Alford and Upper School Principal Meg McHale spoke during the Elementary and Middle School/High School Chapels about the meaning of our 2021-2022 Spiritual Development Theme drawn from Jeremiah 17:7-8. The theme was also introduced during the devotional at the Early Ed and Kindergarten Chapel on September 10.

Alford and McHale talked to the students about the importance of having faith that is deeply rooted in God’s Word so that they are able to to stand firm and strong when temptations come and the lies of the world challenge their faith.

“As young people, you are surrounded by so much pressure to conform to what society says is normal or true, but society’s norms do not line up with the truth in the Word of God,” said Mrs. McHale, pictured below left, during the Upper School Chapel. “We have to study and know what God wants us to be, the way He designed us, and stand firm with deep roots in that knowledge.”

Mrs. Alford encouraged the 1st-5th graders in Elementary Chapel to help make their faith deeply rooted by surrounding themselves with friends who will encourage them in their faith, to attend church regularly, and to read their Bible every day. “We want to see each of you grow into a tree that everyone loves to see, that is strong with healthy roots,” said Alford, pictured below right.

The Spiritual Development Theme and verse are being prominently displayed on posters and on bulletin boards throughout the school building and in classrooms. On the first day of school, faculty and staff wore T-shirts promoting the theme and students will soon be receiving class T-shirts with the theme to wear throughout the year.

Please pray with us that our students will grow closer in their relationship with God throughout this year as they encounter lessons and activities focused on being deeply rooted — fearless and blessed.