A new batting cage is open and ready for use by students on the ACS middle school and high school baseball and softball teams, built by the ACS facilities staff during the first week of March.

“We are very blessed to have a facilities team that was able to envision and build this new batting cage, just in time for the baseball and softball seasons,” said Athletic Director Pam Hitchner. “The COVID-19 pandemic limited our seasons over the past two years, so we’re looking forward to a full season and this new batting cage will help strengthen our skills when we go up to bat.”

Facilities Manager Jonathan Ireland oversaw the four-day project to build the 40-foot by 18-foot wood-framed cage, with assistance from facilities staff members Cisco Bernardino and Bill Smallwood. Ireland also enlisted help from local builder Mike Angerman, who donated his services to drill the 4-foot-deep holes for the wood support beams.

Hitchner said this new cage replaces an earlier metal-frame cage that was damaged in a storm.  “This new cage is built sturdy and strong and should last us for a number of years,” Hitchner said.