Serving others and showing the love of Jesus through acts of kindness is the motto of a new Middle School Servant’s Heart Club that this month has made some 50 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission, baked brownies for teens at the Covenant House in Atlantic City, and created hand-made cards for gift bags for Angels in Motion. The club is one of 12 middle school clubs that are now meeting weekly during 8th period, a new time slot created this year for middle school and high school clubs to meet.

Other middle school clubs include crafts, chess, STEM, Bible and basketball, and National Junior Honor Society. There are also some 12 high school clubs that meet on Thursdays, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Missions, Hispanic Heritage, Student Ambassadors, National Honor Society, and several Bible studies. All the clubs are led by ACS faculty and staff.

“We wanted to set aside time during the school day for our students to get involved in groups focused on ministry, leadership, and service by being part of one or more clubs,” said Upper School Principal Meg McHale. “We’re excited to see the impact that these clubs will be having within our school and in our community.”

Faculty member Linda Stiteler, who is the Middle School Servant’s Heart Club advisor, said she and the 12 students in her club have put together an ambitious list of service projects for this school year. Some of the upcoming projects include collecting scarves, gloves, and socks for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission, filling shoe boxes with children’s Christmas gifts for Samaritan’s Purse, and picking up trash at the Nature Reserve in Egg Harbor Township.

The members of the club are: Ashlee Alford, Annalena DiMaio, Natalia Flores, Mackenzie Flynn, Ava Lombardi, Ja’Niyah Martin, Josh Maxwell, Julia Morris, Nina Purdy, Chelsie Richards, Cyrus Seyf, and Haley Schnecker.