Our 4th grade students were treated to an in-person cooking demo on Tuesday, December 13 by Chef Shara Gadomsky of the Happy Heart Corner, who prepared a healthy quinoa cabbage salad for the students to sample as she encouraged them to eat nutritious foods and to not be afraid to try something new. Throughout the demo, Chef Shara interacted with the students, including having them use their math skills to help her measure the ingredients for the salad dressing. The demo was sponsored by the AtlantiCare Healthy Schools, Healthy Children program, of which ACS is a participating member school.

Jessica Whittle of AtlantiCare, accompanied by Angela Dennis, spoke to the students about how fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are part of a healthy diet. Quinoa is an ancient, gluten-free grain thatis a protein and originated with the Incas in the mountains of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.  The presentation also tied in with sciences lessons in Mrs. Jackson’s and Mr. Tardif’s classes, who are teaching their students about making healthy food choices.

The students enjoyed sampling the salad and some even went back for seconds. They were also excited to receive a special gift of a measuring cup and measuring spoons from AtlantiCare as well as a recipe card for the Quinoa Cabbage Salad.

CLICK HERE for the recipe of the Quinoa Cabbage Salad.