We are excited to have a new partnership with I55 Book Fairs! This is a Christian company that is passionate about raising up a generation of inspired readers. All products are screened to avoid unwanted content, while still offering an extensive selection of books. Profits will be used to refresh the ACS Library collection and to fund academic programs. During the next few weeks, our students will have the opportunity to make wish lists in school, browse or shop online at home, and shop during school hours or after school. Please read the following information to find out more.
Families are encouraged to shop online for even more selection. CLICK HERE to shop our online store NOW through November 27th. Online shopping benefits our school too, and orders over $50 ship to your home for free.
WISH LISTS (November 13-19)
The students from PreK-3 to 5th Grade have visited the ACS Book Fair to make individual wish lists. A copy of each wish list will be sent home by the end of the week so parents can approve selections and send money in with students during shopping week or shop online from the student’s list.
STUDENT SHOPPING (November 20-27)
Preschool classes and elementary classes will visit during these shopping days to make their purchases. We will also be open after school every day for parents to shop with their kids. All Preschool through elementary students must be accompanied by a teacher or other adult chaperone at the book fair. In addition, Middle School students can shop during 8th period, and High School students are allowed to shop during their lunch break.
We will offer multiple opportunities for Family Shopping:
Nov 20, after school shopping, from 3-4pm
Nov 21, after school shopping, from 3-5:30pm
Nov 22, after school shopping, from 3-4pm
Nov 25, after school shopping, from 3-4pm
Nov 26, after school shopping, from 3-4pm
Nov 27, Grandparents Day event, 10:30am-12:30pm
Cash, Card, I55 Gift Card, or Check (Payable to Atlantic Christian School)
We are still looking for volunteers and there are various time slots still available. Volunteers tasks include assisting students and families as they shop the book fair, and breaking down and cleaning up after the close of the fair. CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer at this year’s book fair. Volunteers must have background checks completed.
Thank you for your support in making this the best book fair yet!