Two 5th grade Worship Teams enthusiastically led worship this Friday in both the Early Ed-Kindergarten chapel and the 1st-5th grade chapels. The two teams began rehearsing in August to be ready to lead worship at the first chapel of the school year in September and each week thereafter. 

“This is the second consecutive year that we have formed two worship teams,” said faculty member Teresa Bird, who is in her fifth year directing the effort. “The students are so excited to lead worship and they are doing a great job.” Over the course of the school year, the students will learn the lyrics and music of up to 30 worship songs, which they will then teach to their fellow students. They also learn lively choreography to present with each of the songs.

The 13 members of this year’s teams, who meet weekly after school to practice, are pictured below.  Pictured below left, which is the team that leads elementary chapel, are (from left): Anyae Welch, Sophia Costello, Angela Awad, Gabriella Goodwin, Mrs. Bird, Lydia McCarthy, Victoria Dade, and Gianna Flynn. Pictured below right, which is the team that leads Early Ed-K chapel, are (from left): Mikayla Cubbage, Jade Thompson, Stephanie Valdes, Mrs. Bird, Hazel Burgan, Ava Barberio, and Amelia D’Anna.