ACS students gathered for an all-school chapel on Wednesday, November 7 to show their love and respect for our veterans who have served, sacrificed, and given their lives to protect our country’s freedoms. Forty-four veterans from every branch of the service, including parents, grandparents, and great grandparents of ACS students, attended the Veterans’ Appreciation Chapel.  A combined Middle School and High School Choir opened the program with “God Bless America” and Upper School Vice Principal Drew Carney followed with prayer, asking for God’s blessings on our veterans and for protection for those currently serving in the armed forces around the world.

Members of the ACS Boy Scout Troop 389 presented the colors and led the salute to the American flag. The varied program continued with patriotic musical presentations by the 2nd and 3rd grade classes and 5th-12th grade students in the band.  ACS students cheered and applauded as the veterans stood when the Marine Corps hymn “From the Halls of Montezuma” and the hymns for each of the other branches of service were played.  The kindergarten students made a special gift presentation to each veteran of a hand-made thank-you card decorated with an eagle in flight and the 5th grade worship team got everyone on their feet, moving and clapping along for their performance of “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High.”

The chapel speakers were ACS parents Timothy and Unique Johnson, who served in the Marine Corps and Air Force respectively, and are now both assistant pastors at Christ Fellowship Church in Seaville.  Both veterans emphasized how they trusted God as their source of strength during their military service.  Mr. Johnson said there were three words that he learned to value during his military training and have carried over into his civilian life — honor, courage, and commitment. “It takes courage to be different because we all want to fit in,” Johnson said. “But God will put us in situations to give us the opportunity to stand for what’s right, even when everyone else is doing the wrong thing. That takes courage.”

After the chapel program, the kindergarten students made a second presentation to the veterans of a handmade paper flag, which was gifted to a group from one of veterans’ posts.