The Atlantic Christian School campus is available year-round for use by community organizations who apply for and obtain a usage permit from the school’s Business Office. (For more information on obtaining a facility usage permit, please refer to the information under the “About Us” link on this website).

Following is a partial list of organizations who offer a variety of extracurricular activities at ACS – athletic, civic, religious and educational.  Participation in any of the activities of these organizations is open to the ACS family and the community at large. To obtain additional information on any of these activities, please refer to the contact information provided below.



Boy Scout Troop 389 and Cub Scout Pack 389 meet at Atlantic Christian School on Monday nights. The goal of Scouting is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, personal fitness, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and community service. Hiking, camping, and rock climbing are a regular part of the Scouting program. Community-service projects have included doing a reenactment of Iwo Jima as part of the Longport Memorial Day parade, serving at a local food pantry to distribute Thanksgiving food baskets, collecting and donating gift boxes to U.S. troops serving overseas, and doing litter clean-up along Zion Road in Egg Harbor Township. The Scouts also expand their knowledge on various topics by inviting guest speakers to their weekly meetings, such as former Egg Harbor Township Mayor Paul Hodson, who spoke on the importance of public service.

The Troop and Pack have participated in the annual Scout Show and have won Best of Show or taken first place more than 10 times. The Scout leadership is focused on encouraging and mentoring the scouts to excel and achieve special distinctions, such as the Arrow of Light and Eagle Scout. Since the establishment of the Cub Scout Pack in 2004 and the Boy Scout Troop in 2005, twenty-two Scouts have earned the rank of Eagle Scout, an 85% achievement rate and the highest of any troop in southern New Jersey. The Scouts who have earned Eagle rank are: Asher Nothaft (2012), Victor  Logan IV (2012), Ryan Goukler (2012), Miles Clark (2012), Michael Winder (2012), Christopher Hoffman (2012), Vincent Varallo (2012), Samuel Karabashian (2013), Tyler Newman (2013), Ian Gabrielle (2015), Robert Thomas Dillard (2016), William Cincotti (2016), Brendan Crawford (2017), Matt Sawyer (2017), Bradford Fauntleroy (2017), Matt Dietrich (2021), James Wurzer (2021), Jacob Campsmith (2021), John Wurzer (2021), Joshua Guevara (2022), Hunter Jorgenson (2022), and Cameron Riordan (2024).

Cub Scouts is for boys from 1st -5th grades and is led by Cubmaster Carrie Jorgenson. Boy Scouts is for boys from 6th grade until 18 years old and is led by Scoutmaster Mike Jorgenson. CLICK HERE to follow the exciting events and activities of the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts on their Facebook page — Boy Scout Troop 389.

For more information, contact Cubmaster Carrie Jorgenson at


Hope Community Church PCA

Hope Community Church PCA holds their Sunday services at Atlantic Christian School every week at 10:30 a.m. in our gymnasium. Led by Pastor Ryan Colvin, the church offers a welcoming environment for all to come and worship. For more information, visit their website at or contact the church at


Nor’easters Academy

The Nor’easters Academy provides a broader pathway to success for soccer players across South Jersey. As part of the USL system of leagues, the Academy offers a direct line of development from elite youth soccer to college and beyond. They conduct soccer training and hold tournaments at Atlantic Christian School. For more information, visit their website at or contact Sporting Director Kevin Nuss at