ACS has added a new high school elective called “Missions and Ministries” and faculty member Dave Genter, who will be teaching the course, is looking for help from ACS families, friends, and local churches to build a networking list of missionaries that the students can study and support.

The new elective is part of the “Ministry” concentration, one of  five high school concentrations that allow high school students to be more immersed in a specialized field as they explore their God-given gifts and abilities. The other concentrations are Business, Education, Health and Medicine, and Technology.

“The students in this class will be researching missions and missionaries — where they are, the challenges they face, their needs, and how we can pray for them,” Genter said. “We will also do some correspondence with the missionaries in the field and will try to face time some of them.” Genter said time will be set aside each week to pray specifically for the missionaries they are studying.

Please contact Mr. Genter with the names and contact numbers of any missionaries that you may know or support to help the class building their missionary network. Please email Mr. Genter at: