Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate in our upcoming Back-to-School Nights to be held online via Zoom rather than in-person this month, in keeping with our desire to protect the health and safety of our school families and staff. The Elementary Back-to-School Night will be on Thursday, September 17 for families with students in Kindergarten to the 5th grade, and the Upper School Back-to-School Night will be on Thursday, September 24 for families with students in grades 6-12.

The Elementary Back-to-School Night on September 17 will have two, 30-minute live sessions, from 6:30-7:00 p.m. and from 7:15-7:45 p.m. Parents can choose to log on and participate in either session. Teachers will provide parents with their unique Zoom meeting links. More detailed information will be sent home with students and via email.

The Upper School Back-to-School Night on September 24 will have both recorded presentations from teachers and a live session to be able to ask questions of your child’s teachers. Further details will be sent in an upcoming email from Upper School Principal Meg McHale.