The ACS Administration will be finalizing and distributing the school’s COVID-19 Mask Policy for the 2021-2022 school year to school families next week.  The policy will incorporate the unanimous decision by the ACS Board of Directors at its regular August 16, 2021 meeting to give parents the ability to choose, through the use of an informed consent form, whether or not their children will be wearing a mask during school hours.

The school’s policy and important related documents will be sent via email to parents and guardians and will also be posted on the ACS website. Please keep an eye out for this important email. All families will be required to complete and submit a form indicating their wishes regarding mask wearing for their children.

The Board and Administration are also in full support of continuing to implement all health and safety protocols instituted in the 2020-2021 school year to combat the spread of COVID-19, including temperature checks upon arrival to school, protective barriers around student desks and on cafeteria lunch tables, encouraging hand washing, and posting of sanitation stations in various locations in the school.