Several dozen students, faculty, staff, and family members gathered for a time of prayer around the ACS flagpoles as part of the annual national “See You At the Pole” event on Wednesday, September 22. The morning gathering before the start of school began with singing led by staff member Kelly Flynn. Students and adults then took turns leading out in prayer as the the group lifted up our school, community, and nation.

Teachers from preschool to high school were also encouraged to bring their classes out to the flagpole area throughout the day during Bible class for a time of prayer.

Four flags can be seen flying daily in the flagpole area on the school campus — the American flag, the Christian flag, the New Jersey state flag, and the POW-MIA flag.

Since 1991, See You at the Pole has grown into a international annual event focused on prayer on school campuses from elementary schools to colleges. Now each year, an estimated 1 million students from all the world participate in See You at the Pole. Students in more than 64 countries have participated.