Students and staff gathered at the all-school Christmas Chapel on December 19 to celebrate the greatest gift ever given — God’s Son, Jesus — who brought salvation to the world. This special annual chapel included “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” by PreK-4 and Kindergarten, as well as the reciting of Luke 2:8-11.
The winners of our Christmas Tree and Door Decorating Contests are as follows: Early Ed: Miss Cookie’s PreK-3 class; Elementary: Mrs. McCarthy’s 3rd grade class; and Secondary: Mrs. Wigglesworth’s homeroom.
The students then competed in the Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, where one student from each grade was invited to participate, and the students voted. The winners were 2nd grader Rhys Kelley, 6th grader Nyla Domsic, and 10th graders Logan Campsmith and Sebastian Huezo, who shared a special sweater.
A new teacher award, called the Holiday Cheer Meister, was awarded to Mrs. Amanda Harrison. The award is given to a teacher who is consistently full of cheer and joy.
The 5th Grade Worship Team and the Middle School Worship Team helped lead the students in worship, complete with hand motions and lots of energy. High School teacher Mr. Glancey even made a guest appearance.
High School Boys’ PE teacher Jesse Peterson presented the chapel message and highlighted Philippians 2:3-11. He explained how Jesus’ birth and life are the ultimate example of humility that we should follow.
Mrs. Parker led a special Christmas trivia game (from a biblical perspective). The “Tinsel Team,” consisting of Mrs. Huff, Felicity Macpherson, Michael Stewart, and Alexis Andujar, won the game.
The chapel concluded with all of the students, teachers, and staff singing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus — the main reason for the season.
Below are photos from Thursday’s chapel: